A Healthy Tip for the New Year


Make time out of your day (even if it’s for 10 minutes!) each day to get outside. Aim for a mid day walk or a stretch outside to soak in the benefits of vitamin D. The sun can aid a positive immune response and balancing of hormones. As an added bonus, vitamin D will increase melatonin levels to improve sleep at night.

Remember when we used our pedometers and aimed for 10,000 steps per day? That’s really the minimum we need to keep our digestion moving smoothly and regularly. Stand up and stretch regularly throughout your day to also support healthy digestion, while nourishing your body with fresh, quality foods. Walking helps to moderate blood sugar levels and starve off insulin resistance for diabetes regulation.

Consider taking a ‘Forest Bath’…

Forest Bathing, or forest therapy, is an immersion of the senses in nature. Originally known as shinrin-yoku, forest bathing was established in the 1980’s in Japan. The simple practice of spending time under a canopy of trees can help quiet the mind and relieve the soul. A bather will use all five senses to enjoy what nature has to offer — and a sense of wellbeing is achieved.

“Nature is the greatest place to heal and recharge.” -Anonymous