Radiant Health Club

Learn more about our Radiant Health Club - what we used to call Road Trip to Radiant Health - in the video below... Note I made this for last summer when I strongly encouraged commitment for the whole year, but this Summer you are welcome to sign up for a single season!

What is the Radiant Health Club?


Are you ready to get out of overwhelm, to learn to deeply nourish yourself, to gain control over your relationship with food, to feel good in your body and free your mind so that you can dream big and do great things? Then this program is for you! Rooted in ancient wisdom and mindfulness practices, coupled with modern nutrition science, we'll learn how, why and what to do to optimize our mental, physical and energetic health so that we can truly thrive.

I'm calling it a Radiant Health Club, but it’s really a community of belonging and becoming with weekly virtual meetups as well as monthly in-person opportunities to connect.... Intrigued? Email me below to set up a time to chat!

Next season starts September 7th

What's Included in the Journey?

Actual activities included in this Summer Seasonal Pass (9/7 - 12/21) are:

  • 1 Season of Habit Evolution to help YOU Thrive (valued at $1500)
  • Group sessions via Zoom weekly on Friday afternoons (14 sessions)
  • 1:1 Biweekly Coaching Calls to tailor your program (7 calls, valued at $679)
  • 2 Special Saturday-Afternoon Summer-Themed Events
  • 1 Retreat Day & Farm-to-Table Experience, Live & In-Person (valued at $300)
  • 1 Detox Challenge (valued at $300)

Grand Total Value: $2779 per season

Discounted Package price: $1500 per season Or, $3000 for the Entire Year

Discovery Session

  • When is the last time you took 30 minutes to focus on your own health? Set up a Discovery Session with Jen to get clear on your health goals and see how she can help you achieve them.

Ready to Commit?

  • Make a secure online payment below to get started on your transformational journey!