Pineapple Power Pack


Prep Time

10 Minutes


Produce – about 1/2 cup each:pineapple chunks, sliced celery, sliced tomatoes

1 romaine leaf or other lettuce, shredded or torn (optional final layer)

Protein – 1/2 cup nonfat cottage cheese,

shredded chicken breast or crumbled extra-firm tofu

Pizzazz – this is a fool proof combo:

2 Tbsp Rice Vinegar

2 Tbsp Sesame Oil,

½ tsp Bragg Amino Acids, tamari or soy sauce

Extra Fuel -1/2 cup cooked rice ( black, brown or red) or quinoa, optional


Layer all ingredients in a 1-quart mason jar, Tupperware or re-purposed yogurt/cottage cheese container.  If using “extra fuel,” include that as the base.  Then, layer all produce, except lettuce (so it doesn’t wilt). Then add the protein and top with lettuce.  Drizzle the pizzazz over the top.

Consider using frozen pineapple for ease and convenience – it keeps everything cool so you can take this on the go (perfect for after a double yoga class or long workout and shower).


This is my most favorite power pack so far! I just love the combo of pineapple with celery and tomatoes! Trust me, it’s amazing. Then, all you need is some protein and pizzazz. Remember, just stick to the primary guideline for  simple, sustainable healthy eating: 3 P’s for a happy approach to eating – Produce, Protein and Pizzazz!